Hike – Majik Forest – 7 March 2016

Did a quick hike from my home down to Majik Forest and back.

Spend some time just sitting next to the dam and reflecting on live and all that is going on in my life.

While walking through the forrest I took a couple of photos to show the magic of this place.

If you have some time to spare and is in the area, this is a wonderful place to spend some time and have a picnic.


Photo outing – Magic Forrest Dam

Close to where I live, Oude Westhoff, is a place called the Magic Forrest — you can see on the photo above.  Yesterday I spend some time taking some photos around the dam.

Even the kids have their makeshift boat but looks like it is a bit stuck in the reeds 🙂

Water cascading down the dam-wall – looks like it is somewhere in cold Europe with the water being iced up.

More photos can be seen in my gallery here.

All these photographs were taken with my Canon Powershot SX10 in Auto mode.  No post processing was done on them except reduced in size for displaying on this page.  The original photographs are in my gallery.

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