Customer Requirements and complexity

Mark Cathcart wrote on his blog about complexity and completeness and I quote one statement he made:

The real challenge though that IBM faces, is not the complexity of our products, but the complexity of our customers.

This is so true.  How often does we not stare us blind against the complexity of products (anybody that has worked with WebSphere know what I talk about)? Sometime there is a very simple solution to a customers complex requirements.  The customer does not care how complex your product or solution is, all he cares about is whether his requirement is met and his business problem is solved.  In the end it is all about customer satisfaction!

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Firefox is the talk of the town

And I quote

Within 24 hours of the official launch on Tuesday, there were over 2 million people using Firefox 2, and we were seeing a peak rate of more than 30 downloads per second from our website.

I love it to see IE and in particularly IE7 being beaten and I cannot wait for the day that Firefox is used on more user desktops than IE (wishfull thinking on my part, I know)

Update: Christopher Blizzard said it a lot better than me …

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Ubuntu 6.10 released

I totally forgot to say something about the release of Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) yesterday.  There is a lot of great things in it and go and download your copy.

Also earlier this week Ubuntu walk away with the award for the best Linux distribution.  Congrat to Mark and all the guys and gals that have worked on Ubuntu.  Wish I could have joined them later next month at Googleplex for the next Ubuntu summit.

Now onto Festy Fawn (Ubuntu 7.04) 🙂
Update: It is Feisty and not Festy

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Installed Firefox 2

Just took the plunge and installed Firefox 2 (actually upgraded from and it seemed to go well. A couple of extensions that I use do not work with version 2 like the following:

  • SpellBound spellcheck — but was not an issue since Firefox 2 has spellcheck build in.
  • Tab Mix Plus — not an issue either since the tabbing in version 2 is a lot better than in 1.5. All feature that I miss is the progress bar in the Tab that Tab Mix had and the different color that the text on the tab had for a page that is finished loaded but not viewed yet.
  • Omea Reader — this is not an issue either since I see that Firefox 2 support external Feed Reader applications and it did list my Omea Reader. Did not try whether this work yet but will.
  • Couple of my themes did not work either but this is no issue either since I actually like the new Firefox default theme.

This is my first observations and I will post more later about my experiences.

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Performancing Partners and Performancing Metrics

I use Performancing plugin for Firefox as the main tool to do my blogging and have seen that they just launched a Performancing Partners Advertising network.  To the right you will see that I have enabled it to see what it is all about.

At the same time I have enabled their metrics facility … lets see how good it is.

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Using Windows Live Writer to Blog

Downloaded the beta of Windows Live Writer and using to blog this … on first glance it actually looks good.  Even recognizes the theme I use in my blog.

Only thing I miss is interface to Technorati Tags.  Maybe it does and I just have not found it.

Update (15 Aug):  Found a plugin to insert tags called Tag4Writer — lets see whether it works by inserting tags into this blog entry.

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