Dreamhost — what a disaster!!

As mentioned before, I am looking for a new hosting company.  I came across  Dreamhost and using their $97 coupon meant that I could get a year’s hosting for around $22 which is a very good deal.  It looked liked they offered everything I needed so I went ahead to signup for a Dreamhost account.

Everything seemed to go fine until I received a note from them that I should print out some form.  Hand filled it in with an image of my credit card on it, and fax this form back to them.  Being on holiday and not near a fax machine (who still uses fax machines in any case), I decided to take a digital photo of the form and email it to Dreamhost.  The digital image was actually very good, probably a lot better than what the fax would have been.

What a surprise when I received a automated message from Dreamhost that they do not accept attachments in email and that I must upload the attachment somewhere and send them the URL.  After doing that and sending them the URL, got another response saying that they will only accept a fax. If I cannot do that then they will just cancel my sign-up which they then did.  I am sure they did not even bother looking at the digital image of the signed form.

Well, I would never recommend them to anybody ever.  And here I though we are living in a digital world. 

Off to search for another host that want my business .. any recommendations?

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This is so cool!!

At last I can use my Sametime (that is if you run version 7.5) and connect to other IM clients.  And I quote:

The world’s largest instant messaging community is now available for IBM Lotus Sametime customers via the Lotus Sametime Gateway. Lotus Sametime users can now instant message users of Google Talk, AOL AIM, and Yahoo! Messenger. This capability bridges a big gap in communications between the enterprise and consumer communities.

How cool would it be if it also connect to MSN and Skype eventually ..

Update:  Here is a link to an eWeek article.

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No Mark … this is not on …

We all know about the Novell/Microsoft stuff that is going on and most if not all OSS/Linux supporting people does not agree with it.  But Mark, it is not on to use this to try to entice/convince openSUSE developers and community member to join your team.  One thing that is so great about OSS is the freedom it allows us to choose.  Whether that may be  openSUSE, Ubuntu or heaven forbid Windows, we still have that choice and for somebody like you to use things that you do not agree with to entice people to your side is not on. 

If the product/solution/service you provide is good enough, then people will come.  And I think Ubuntu is good enough to stand on its own legs.

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Today I become a IBM guinea-pig !!

They will be loading some IBM software on my work laptop today to allow me to access the IBM internal network while still being connected to my customer (Safmarine) network.  This will be through some VPN connection and I am looking forward to seeing how this will be working.  At last I might have access to all things IBM and internal contact to all the IBMers I allready met via non-IBM means.

That reminds me — first thing I need to do is find out where the Leave system is.  Need to put my leave in for the the Christmas holiday period :).

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Will IBM be an orca or a penguin?

Now you may be wondering what I have been drinking by asking a question like that … well wonder no more — see this article.

It is a very intriguing question which side IBM is going to take.  Join Microsoft and stay away from legal battles or stand up for freedom and openness.  I genuinely hope the latter.  My view is that MS has no leg to stand on when it comes to Linux infringing MS intellectual property.  All they after is pocketing some money from somebody for nothing … just a lot of FUD from MS.

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IBM invests $100million in new ideas

IBM’s Sam Palmisano announced that $100million will be spend over the next 2 years on new ideas that was generated earlier this year.  Of the 10 that caught my eye was:

“Digital Me”: Creating a secure, user-friendly service that simplifies storage, management and long-term access to the deluge of personal content that people accumulate (digital photos, videos, music, health and financial records, personal identification documents, files, etc.).

3D Internet: Partnering with others to take the best of virtual worlds and gaming environments to build a seamless, standards-based 3D Internet — the next platform for global commerce and day-to-day business operations.


Simplified Business Engines: Developing and bringing to market an intuitive, easy-to-use and pre-packaged set of Web 2.0 services and blade server offerings that allow small and mid-size businesses to easily tap applications customized to their own specific business needs.

Will keep and eye on these and see how I can get involved in these initiatives.

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Move to IBM now in the final stretch

ITWeb has a story on our move to IBM … as they say in South Africa — it is now  “min dae” (for my non-Afrikaans friends and readers that mean that we almost there).

On the one side I am a bit sad in leaving SCS behind and some of my coleagues that are staying behind in Safmarine.  On the other hand I am realy existed to become an IBMer with all the opportunities and new things to learn.  It is almost like being born again.  I have already virtually met some great IBMers like Kelly and Andy.

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Sun open source Java under GPL

One of the best pieces of news in a long time.  I quote from ZDNet:

After years of requests and debates, Sun Microsystems is ready to release Java source code under a Linux-friendly license.

On Monday, it plans to put the code for the programming software under the version 2 of the General Public License (GPLv2), which governs Linux and many other open-source products. The Sun-hosted Java.net Web site will provide access to Java Platform Micro Edition (Java ME) software for mobile phones and Java Platform Standard Edition (Java SE) software for desktop applications.

This is good for everybody and in particularly the Linux community where distributions like Ubuntu is now free to re-distribute the Java platform.

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