IBM Patent, RWC and RSS feed update – 13 October 2007

My own question on whether one can patent offshoring/outsourcing was sort off answered when IBM dropped the patent application on it.

Good luck to the Boks in their game against Argentina in the RWC tomorrow evening.  I just know they will win.  And my prediction for tonight, although not easy, is that France will go through to the final.  What a prospect to look forward to, SA vs France in the RWC final.  Who would have predicted that 2 months ago?

Now onto my RSS feed tidbits:

Amazing picture taken of a Solar Eclipse on the same time every evening.

Credit & Copyright: Tunc Tezel and Cenk E. Tezel

We will win the Rugby World Cup & RSS feed update – 7 October 2007

Next Sunday evening it is us vs Argentina in the second semi-final of the world cup.  By that time we should know already who we going to play in the final.  Yes, I believe we going to win the semi and with the 4 teams left in the RWC, I just cannot see how we cannot win this one.  I just hope that I am not talking too soon but I cannot see either one of Argentina, France or England beating us.  I would love to see us playing France in the final, just for the atmosphere, but that would be the most difficult one in front of the fanatic French supporters.

Onto my RSS feedreader – I am down to below 4000 unread items:

Saguaro Moon:

Credit & Copyright: Stefan Seip (Astro Meeting)

RSS Feed update – 4 October 2007

Just returned from a business trip to Johannesburg and I have to wade through more than 4700 RSS items in my feedreader.  As you can imagine, I am just going to mark a lot as read and skip over them.

Here is some that I did not skip over.

Today’s photo is an amazing eruption of a volcano:

Credit & Copyright: Patrick Taschler

Traffic Jam and RSS feed update – 26 September 2007

Sir Lowry Traffic

The photo on the left was a traffic jam we ran into coming down Sir Lowrypass just before Somerset West.  Luckily I was not in a hurry and I must say that I was impressed with the behavior of the other drivers.  Actually thinking about it, all the way from Plett, all the drivers were courteous and most sticked to the speed limit.


Image: Marius Bock taken with Nokia N80

Onto tidbit from my RSS Feed reader:

Sunrise over the Hottentot Mountains:
Sunrise from home
Image:  Marius Bock taken with Nokia N80 

Wikimania, Rugby World Cup 2007, Twenty20 and RSS update

Currently there is a bid on the go to host Wikimania 2008 in Cape Town and it is driven by Ian.  Ian needs all the support he can get so please contact him if you can help in any way.  Ian, please contact me should you need any assistance.

How good was it to see the Boks kick the Poms ass on Friday evening.  I am sure that today the same will happen in the Twenty20.

A while ago I commented about the spy saga in F1.  This past week McLaren was found guilty and stripped of all their constructors points and fined $100 million dollars.  Why Alonso was not punished, I do not know since I believe he had a hand in all this?

Onto my RSS feed update:

Today, instead of a picture I am including the famous Youtube video shot in Kruger Park of the Buffalos, Lions and crocodile.

RSS Feed update – 13 September 2007

I am trying out the latest beta of Windows Live Writer and so far it seems to be good.  One little annoying thing is that the window for inserting Tags is a modal-window which means you cannot have it open to add tags while writing the blog.

While trying to recover from flu/cold and having time going through my RSS Feeds, here are some tidbits:

Space Shuttle Endeavour cuts a bright swath through the dark sky during this night-time launch in January 1998. Nearly six years earlier on Sept. 12, 1992, Endeavour blasted off, carrying Dr. Mae Jamison, the first African-American woman to fly in space, and Mamoru Mohri, the first Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency astronaut on a shuttle mission.

Image Credit: NASA

RWC – South Africa, Namibia and RSS Update for 9 September 2007

So South Africa had their first game. All in all, it was not bad at all.  Samoa played a very spoiling game and I think South Africa probably played as well as they were allowed to play.

I just finished watching the Namibia, Ireland game and how impressed was I with the Namibians.  They made a lot of friends tonight.  The score flattered Ireland.  If one take away the penalty try and the last try from Ireland, which was not a try, then there was nothing in the score.  And it was nice to see a Bock playing in the World Cup.  The wing for Namibia is Heini Bock, no not family.

Onto my feed items for today.

South Pole Lunar Eclipse

Credit & Copyright: Robert Schwarz(South Pole Station)

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Rugby World Cup 2007 and RSS feed update for 7 September 2007

Hope all of you worn your casual day stickers and contributed your bit.

Today is also the start of the Rugby World Cup being held in France.  As a patriotic South African I do support the Boks … good luck to them and I honestly think they have the team to bring the cup back.

Now for my feed entries:

One of Jupiters icy moons — Europa:

Image Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute

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Lotus Collaboration Summit

Today I attended a Lotus Collaboration Summit that was held here in Cape Town.  The more I see and hear about IBM’s new Lotus range of products the more impress I get.  Products like Notes 8, Sametime 7.5.1, Quickr 8 and Connections 1 will put IBM back where it should be in the collaboration space.  IBM has really embraced the idea of social networking and collaboration with these group of products. 

It was also good to see how modern looking these products are by using WEB2.0 technologies.

I am off to go install Notes 8.  And I can now even get rid of Word, Excel and Powerpoint since I can do all that within the Notes 8 client.

Technorati Tags: , , , , ,

Spring and RSS Feed update — 2 September 2007

Yesterday was supposedly the start of Spring, well you could have fooled me. Not here in Cape Town, it was raining and very winter like.

Onto my RSS feed items for today:

With the eclipse earlier this week, I came across this photo. Click on the image for more information.

Credit & Copyright: Yuichi Takasaka

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