My own question on whether one can patent offshoring/outsourcing was sort off answered when IBM dropped the patent application on it.
Good luck to the Boks in their game against Argentina in the RWC tomorrow evening. I just know they will win. And my prediction for tonight, although not easy, is that France will go through to the final. What a prospect to look forward to, SA vs France in the RWC final. Who would have predicted that 2 months ago?
Now onto my RSS feed tidbits:
- Free/Open Source software I use or recommend —
Ad-Aware 2007
Ad-Aware 2007 Reference File BETA0024.0000
WinMerge Experimental beta
iTunes 7.4.3
Free Download Manager 2.5 Build 715
Pidgin 2.2.1
Adobe Flash Player for Windows (Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape & Opera) Beta
DivX - WordPress —
What’s Right with WordPress 2.3
Taxonomy Intersections and Unions - How to’s —
Rock Your Presentation with the Right Tools and Apps
Download TV Torrents and Watch TV Online with TIOTI
Top 10 Wi-Fi Boosts, Tweaks and Apps - Social Computing —
Making the Business Case for Social Computing
Making the Business Case for Social Computing – Part Deux
Commenting further on ROI and Social Computing – Part I - IBM —
New Lotus Quickr demo video
For all the old Lotus Notes users: End of service for Notes/Domino 6.5.x timeline announced - Facebook —
Gmail Gets Facebooked
Amazing picture taken of a Solar Eclipse on the same time every evening.
Credit & Copyright: Tunc Tezel and Cenk E. Tezel