Out with the old, in with the new

Happy New Year to all and may 2007 be everything you want.

But it is also time to look back at 2006.  What a year I had — if anybody told me at the beginning of 2006 that I would end the year working for IBM, I would have laughed at them.  How wrong would I have been.

2006 was a good and stressful year. For the most part of it we had to keep under wraps the negotiations between Safmarine and IBM .. it was only in the latter part of the year it became public knowledge.  Then all the serious work started to move all the people and work over to IBM .. what a stressful period and this is going to keep us still busy for months to come.

On the personal front .. I am healthy and cannot complain.  My kids are young adults (almost) and makes this father very proud.  I started playing golf again and bought a new car.

Onto 2007 … I am not one for resolutions since we seldom stick to it.  Not because we do not want to but because life is so unpredictable that it usually take us in different directions.  I have one simple resolution .. try to stop working 50 hour weeks and spend more time on seeing our beautiful country and spend time with friends.

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Blog stats and visitors

I have been tracking stats to my Blog since 18 October 2006 (my blog is somewhat older than that) and for those that is interested, here are the numbers.

First the visitors: (Not as popular as Andy 🙂 )

and where they from

and what browsers they use (good to see more than halve is using Firefox)

And how did they get to my blog (hmmm … do not really know what this say)

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Golf and other things

After not playing golf for more that 2 years, I was back on the course yesterday morning.  What a painful experience — could not even break 100.  When last I played I shot in the mid to lower 80’s so this was an experience by itself.  This morning my legs and back are sore with blisters on my heels.  But I also know after a couple of rounds everything will be getting back to normal again.

Talking about golf.  Saw this post from Mr BusinessGolf today on Ernie’s prediction that he, Ernie, will catch Tiger in 3 years time and be #1 again.  Mr BusinessGolf is predicting that it will be a lot sooner.  I am a patriotic supported of Ernie, and know him personally, but do not agree with Mr BusinessGolf.  Ernie must first gets his mental side in order before he will catch Tiger on anybody else for that matter.

Oh and lastly,  my spanking new Ford Focus 1.6 SI Sport was delivered to me yesterday afternoon.  Luckily I am on holiday so will take it for a leisurely drive to the beach today.

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Bought a new car today

As mentioned before, I am currently looking to buy a new car.  Went to test drive a Ford Focus 1.6 SI Sport today and a hour later I have bought it.  So if everything goes as it should with registration, finance ect I should have a brand spanking new Oyster Silver Ford Focus by the end of the week. 

Hmmm, was about time I give myself a big Christmas present :).

On another note — I am catching up on some reading.  Eragon the movie is opening here in South Africa on Friday and when I browsed through a bookshop yesterday, I came accross the Box Set of Eragon and Eldest books.  I was always disappointed reading books after seeing the movie, so this time around I have decided to read the book first before watching the movie.

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Hooray!!! … I’am on leave

Yesterday was my last day before a long break from work.  How nice it will be to wake up in the morning and not think about meetings, customers and things work related.  Sorry IBM, I am going to try to give you as little as possible of my time.

So what is on my agenda:  (no not plans, since I am sure some of these I will not get too)

  • Play a lot of golf — officially join a club again (looks like it will be Bellville Golf Club)
  • Find a new car — either a Honda Civic Hatch or Ford Focus 2.0 ST Hatch
  • Visit some family
  • Go to the beach
  • Work on a pet project of mine: (visit http://www.tee-time.za.net/ and you will see — if there is any golf clubs that is interested in it then just contact me and I will point you in the right direction)
  • and anything I feel like doing when I get up in the mornings.

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Home, sweet home

Change the graphic at the top of the page to my home town.  That is what my workplace look like on a beautiful summers night.  The photo was take from a hill next to my house.

For those that does not recognize it … Table Mountain with Cape Town in the foreground.  And if you still lost … southern tip of Africa.

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Buying a new car!!

I am busy looking to buy a new car and top of my list is the Honda Civic 5-Door Hatchback.  Have seen and read good things about this car and have driven Honda’s for a good part of my life.

What I am battling about is how to justify R204000.00 for a new car.  Yes it will  be fun to drive around in, but in the end it is just something that takes you from point A to point B.

So if anyone has good arguments why I should not buy this car then I am all ears 🙂

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