Which programming language are you? This is what they say about me and to be honest, it is fairly accurate.
Go ahead and click on the image and see what you are …. real geeky stuff
Technorati Tags: php, programming language, quiz, geek
My view of the world and anything that might interest me.
Which programming language are you? This is what they say about me and to be honest, it is fairly accurate.
Go ahead and click on the image and see what you are …. real geeky stuff
Technorati Tags: php, programming language, quiz, geek
Life is great when one can have great coffee (Vida e Caffe) in an open air coffee shop, 3G wireless connectivity to do some last minute work before work tomorrow and listen to all the chatter of people relaxing on this public holiday.
And do not forget the wonders of camera cellphones … this picture was taken with my Nokia N80 with a 3MP camera.
Yes, I am writing this blog entry as I sit having coffee, taking the picture, uploading it to Flickr, updating my blog, all via 3G wireless.
Technorati Tags: workersday, public holiday, coffee, vida e caffe, laptop, cellphone, Nokia N80
I took the Harry Potter Character Combatibility Test and this is what came out. I cannot say that I have read all the Harry Potter books or even saw all the movies. I cannot even remember who Luna Lovegood is — who is he or she?
You scored as Luna Lovegood. You’re an extreme introvert and because of this, are also a deep thinker. You ponder things others would never dream of pondering and stand with your beliefs without backing down. You find it more valuable to daydream than to socialize, because there’s so much more going on in your head than others’. Most people don’t understand it, but you seem to prefer it that way.
Harry Potter Character Combatibility Test |
Technorati Tags: harry potter, compatibility, test
Switch on your speakers and listen to this …. http://howtoprankatelemarketer.ytmnd.com. I could not stop laughing.
Technorati Tags: telemarketing, fun, laughing, joke
Yes it is April fools’ day and Google is at it again. Want a paper copy of your email mailed to you then just ask Google and they will oblige.
Now why would I want a paper copy of my mail if I can print the thing myself? I bet there is a couple of people that are going to fall for this one.
Think a bit today before you believe anything said and written .. it might just be that somebody is trying to take the mickey out of you.
Technorati Tags: google, april fool
We all know how to say thanks when another driver let you pass on the road or give you a gap at a busy intersection. But what if you want to say more than thanks .. see a nice looking girl or guy in the car next to you? Well some German guy came up with a thing called the Flashbox to set off a series of indicator flicks that mean something.
This might get real interesting and confusing if all the cars around you suddenly start flashing their indicators and everyone start “chatting” with everyone. Is this just another form of social networking and community building?
Technorati Tags: flashbox, motoring, indicators, flirting
Sien op Tania se blog oor die Skaak ding Saterdag by Fandango … ek is seker Tania soek net skaak spelers soos ek wat sy kan wen. Ek kan ongelukkig dit nie maak nie … daai familie verpligtinge wat mens van tyd tot tyd moet doen. Sou graag daar wou wees al was dit net om mense in lewende lywe te ontmoet — sal maar moet wag tot die volgende keer of een van die Geekdinners of 27Dinners.
Vandag moet ek die verkeersdepartement gaan trotseer — my kredietkaart bestuurslisensie moet hernu word. Sien nou regtig nie uit daarna nie … hopelik is daar nie veel mense in die ry by Durbanville nie.
PS. For my non-Afrikaans visitors … if you need a translation of this then just shout — it is about chess and drivers license.
Technorati Tags: skaak, chess, geekdinners, 27dinners, fandango, lisensie
Have eventually took the plunge and joined Twitter to see what it is all about. What is all this fuss everybody talks about. Do I really want the world to know what I am doing all the time.
I tried to update my Twitter via GTalk but cannot get to work. So the only way to update it at the moment is via the web interface. Yes know one can also do it via SMS but that is way to expensive just to tell the world something totally arbitrary.
Update 14 March: Twittering with GTalk works …
Technorati Tags: twitter, collaboration, comuinity
Following Andy’s and Kelly’s lead — here is me in Arabic — ماريوس بوكك Just in case you wondering .. when translating this back to English you get marios bokk 🙂
Technorati Tags: arabic, transalation, transliteration
Follow Kelly’s lead and took my Superhero quiz.
Your results:
You are Spider-Man
You are intelligent, witty, a bit geeky and have great power and responsibility. |
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test
hmmm … where does that SuperGirl stuff comes from … and why am I a Spider-Man and not a Superman if both the scores are the same?.