Category Archives: Nothing about Something
Pothole saga continues
Follow-up on my previous pothole post. Here is the dreaded pothole … almost the size of the Kimberley Groot Gat. (Groot Gat is big hole for my overseas visitors)
Why, oh why has my car got 17 inch low profile tires that no other car uses. R1300.00 for one tire. I am embarking on claiming all the costs back from the City of Cape Town who is responsible for keeping our roads in a decent condition. Any advice how to go about this and who to send the bill to will be much appreciated.
Technorati Tags: pothole, south africa, tires, City of Cape Town
Rain, potholes and burst tires :(
As I type this I am as mad as hell. Roads in South Africa is not the best and with all the rain that we had in the Cape, meant that potholes is showing up in places you least expect them. Earlier today I took a side road to the shop around the corner and there was a piece of road under water on my side of the road. I had to go through the water since another car was coming from the front. Unknown to me there was a big pothole hidden under the water. I went through the hole at about 40km/h.
Front right tire got a major cut in it and deflated immediately. I also notice that the back left has a bubble in it. Will have to pop into the tire place tomorrow morning before work and replace the one and have the others checked out. As far as I can determine it is only the tires that took damage but even that is going to put me back a couple of Rand.
This just shows how bad the condition of our roads in this country is. Just a bit more than normal rain and the roads are full of potholes.
Technorati Tags: potholes, rain, south africa
From my RSS feedreader to the world — 28 July 2007
I have been quiet over the last week due to being very busy at work and nothing really exciting to share. I am going to start something new this week and hope it adds value and you, my reader, finds it interesting.
I read blogs, news and various tidbits of information via a RSS feedreader. The reader I use is Omea Pro from Jetbrains. I find it one of the best out there and it is Free. I receive on average around 1500 feed items a week and I will share some of those with you on a weekly basis. Here is my first lot.
- For the die hard Linux users out there of which I am one. Turning Off The System (hardware) Beep —
- One of my favorite cartoons is a South African one called Bru & Boegie — this weeks favorite —
- Lifehacker is one of my favorite feeds. I use Mozilla Thunderbird and here is some tweaks for it —
- For the sporty types. McLaren guilty but no penalty — this does not make sense at all — how can one be guilty but not get any penalty —
- Cellphone masts is not a health risk. — and
- And for those that cannot get away from their work and tech gadgets — High-tech beach for the summer —
This is it for the first try. Let me know what you think. I will try to make it as varied as I can and highlight, share things that have tickled my fancy.
Technorati Tags: linux, cartoon, bru and boegie, lifehacker, thinderbird, f1, mclaren, ferari, cellphone masts, high tech beaches
Look after your underwear!
Your useless fact for the day. According to medieval historian, underwear was important to the spreading of literacy long before the Gutenberg press.
when the underwear was worn out, it provided a steady supply of material used by papermakers to make books.
Now this is something to think about next time when you put on that underpants or sexy panty 🙂
Technorati Tags: underwear, literacy, printing press, gutenberg
Today is 7 July 2007 or otherwise known as 7-7-7 or 777. We all know the legends around 666 but does 777 have the same connotations. I went searching and it was real interesting what I found.
- 777 the number
- Considered by some as the opposite off 666 – Number of God/Heaven
- The winning line on a slot machine – Triple Seven
- Boeing has an airplane with that number – Boeing 777
- There is a book by that name – 777 and other Qabalistic writings
- The band System 7 liked it since it used it for their albums
- And for us computer geeks — 777 can be used to set file permissions for reading, writing and executing.
This is the interesting one’s that I have found. I am sure there is much more so feel free to add in the comments.
Technorati Tags: 777, triple seven, 7-7-7
I am fedup .. iPhone .. who cares!!!
Why is everybody (ok all the Yanks) so full of themselves about the iPhone? It is just a damn phone with a crappy camera. People stand in long queues just to get one. Why, oh why? Because it say Apple? Every second (ok make it every third) RSS post in my feed reader is about the iPhone.
The only good thing I have read about it is that we will be spared it for a while still in SA. Do’nt get met wrong, I think some Apple products like the Mac and the iPod is great. But I cannot see what is all the fuss about this iPhone. There is lots of other cellphones that is way better.
Blogging, laptops, rugby and 27dinners
This blog post is written using Qumana as an offline blogging editor. I have been using ScribeFire mostly but it was time to try something new and when Luis mentioned it in a blog entry, I gave it a try. BTW if anyone knows of a blogging tool that support ATOM publishing then let Luis know.
I got another laptop this week, unfortunately not a new one but a hand-me down, to replace my failing HP. It is an IBM Thinkpad T42, and what a major improvement over previous laptops I had. This is the first IBM Thinkpad I have used and now I understand why people are so happy with Thinkpads. It just feels more robust and nothing beats the clarity and resolution of the screen. It is just a pleasure to work on it.
This coming week it is time for Cape Town to have its 27dinner again. It is again being held at the Hotel School and if the previous one is any indication, then this one should not be missed. Hope to see some of you there.
I have to say something about this afternoons rugby. To be brutally honest, I have no idea what the outcome is going to be. My heart say Boks all the way, but I think with the injuries and changes, it is going to be an uphill battle for the Boks. And to go into the match with a brand new captain is not going to be easy. I am just worried that Victor might struggle in the line-outs due to the extra pressure of being the captain. We need him at his best in the line-outs.
Now onto my all-time pet hate .. these chain e-mails that people just forward …I hate it, hate it, hate it. So if you happen to be one of those people that send this crap to me then please, and I am asking nicely, STOP it. Anja said it even better than I could.
Tags: ibm, thinkpad, t42, rugby, qumana, scribefire, 27dinner, geekdinner, hotel school, chain e-mails, pet hate
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Why are you twittering?…..
This is the question I was asked today from somebody I have no idea who the person is. It is neither one of my Twitter friends or Twitter followers. Maybe this person is somebody that viewed my profile on Facebook where my twitterings is displayed via the Twitter Facebook application.
This made me think about how to answer this. In the end, I think it is more that I follow other people than to tell the would what I am doing. And via the people I follow, I have stumbled or was told about some really interesting things. Things I would have no idea existed if I was not twittering.
However, founding out that people do actually read my one or two twitterings made me wonder whether I should actually share more about what I am up to.
So that one person from Knysna who is reading some of my twitterings, either become a follower so that I can start following you or just contact me to solve this mystery for me.
Technorati Tags: twitter, facebook, social networking, knysna
Winter, cold weather and flu
In general I never get sick when the seasons change but this year seems to be the exception. A couple of weeks ago I was as sick as a dog with flu and it seems that I am due for another bout of it.
This morning when I woke up, I could barely swallow. However I had some important customer meetings to attend and dragged my body out of bed and went to work. What a mistake. Barely got through the meeting.
Came home early and tugged myself in bed after taking some medicine. Feeling a bit better now after some Chicken soup. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.
Off to bed to see if I can sleep this off.