Alive and Kicking

For those few that are still reading and following this blog, I am still alive and kicking. I am just very busy at the moment with my new job which I started at the beginning of July, can you believe, almost 3 months already.

It has been a hectic 3 months spending some time finding my feet and learning all about the ISP and Internet provisioning industry and keeping big clients connected. It is amazing how everything is urgent and need to be done yesterday.

Hope to get back at blogging soon again.

2012 is here and only one wish — let it be better than 2011.

2012 have arrived very quietly in my household, not that I can say the same for the neighbourhood.  

I only have one wish for 2012 and that is that it is better than 2011.  It was a very tough 2011 and I do not want to have a year like that again.  

Wishing everyone a good and prosperous 2012, may all you dreams, goals and wished come true.

Bendy Rubber Bookshelves

I always have lots of books and magazines that are lying around.  Thinks bendy rubber bookselves would just do wonders.  The wooden, rigid selves always has a problem that some of your books will not fit.

Well not with this one, you can make the book fit by just bending the selves to make the space wide enough.

More here –

NSFW – the killer app.

There is always this debate on what will be the next killer app, be it on the phone, desktop or Internet.

This is what Wikipedia say a killer app is:

.. that is so necessary or desirable that it proves the core value of some larger technology ….. A killer app can substantially increase sales of the platform on which it runs.

And here is gapingvoid’s view of it:

I definitely likes Hugh’s view much more. And looking at the Wikipedia definition, it make so much sense.

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Cat in window — no worries in the world.

Every morning when I get up and look out my bedroom window, I saw this cat sitting in the neighbours window.  He/she just sits there and stares … I always wonder what he/she look at and what is going on in it’s head.

Click on image to enlarge.

Why can’t our lives as humans not be as simple.  This cat probably has no worries in the world and is as happy as can be.

This picture was taken with my new Canon PowerShot SX20IS which I received earlier this week as replacement for my stolen camera.  Except for cropping and resizing, I have done nothing to that picture.

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