Now this sucks

Voting is open for SA Blog Awards and as a colleague and friend of mine has the best blog in SA I wanted to go an cast my vote. Well the voting site have problems …

Warning: mysql_pconnect() [function.mysql-pconnect]: #08004Too many connections in /usr/www/users/sabloga/includes/db.class.php on line 27
Sorry, cannot connect to the database.

Please guys, fix your site … get somebody that knows a bit about MySQL and up those connections .. cannot think that on a Sunday morning you should run out of connections. How many connections do you allow — 10??

While I am at it .. if you have never read Tertia’s blog ‘So Close’, please do yourself a favor and read it.  Yes, it talks a lot about female stuff like PMS, infertility, babies but she writes it in such a way that us males even enjoy reading it.

BTW Tertia, figured out how to get you blog via RSS feed for my feedreader.  Will show you on Monday so you can add a link somewhere for all the people that does not use Bloglines or Google Reader.

Update: The error is fixed and I casted my vote … so Tertia, if you win that MacBook then you owe me …

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What is all this twittering that people are doing …

I see more and more people twittering (is there a word like that, if not then I have just created it). Must I or must I not join the community of twitters (another new word?). Do I want the world to know what I do every freaking minute of my day? So if any of my readers have some advice and reasons why I should join the twittering community then let me know. Better still, if you think I should not join then also say so.

Community Building

Over the last couple of days you will notice 2 new things in the side bar and both is around community building.  The first, MyBlogLog, is to show who is visiting my blog and take an interest in my ramblings.  Obviously to see yourself listed there, you need to register at MyBlogLog.

The second is what is called a AutoRoll … it gives an indication of what visitors to my blog read on the Internet.  Again to be part of this, you need to register at AutoRoll.  This service is still in beta but I have already found some interesting commonalities between what I read and what my visitors read.

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WordPress Upgraded

I have just upgraded my instance of WrodPress from version 2.0.5 to version 2.0.6. If you see anything that is not what it should be then please let me know. Readers that get my feed via FeedBurner should pay particular attention since there was a bug in the released 2.0.6 version that has since been patched.

Update [16-01-2007]:  The bug that is patched, mentioned above, is actually patched in version 2.0.7 which this blog is now running.

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Blog stats and visitors

I have been tracking stats to my Blog since 18 October 2006 (my blog is somewhat older than that) and for those that is interested, here are the numbers.

First the visitors: (Not as popular as Andy 🙂 )

and where they from

and what browsers they use (good to see more than halve is using Firefox)

And how did they get to my blog (hmmm … do not really know what this say)

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Performancing Partners and Performancing Metrics

I use Performancing plugin for Firefox as the main tool to do my blogging and have seen that they just launched a Performancing Partners Advertising network.  To the right you will see that I have enabled it to see what it is all about.

At the same time I have enabled their metrics facility … lets see how good it is.

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