IBM announces Quickr

We knew this was in the making but Quickr has now been officially announced by IBM … the Quickr Blog has all the details.  The date for General Availability is 29 June 2007 which happen to be the same date Lotus Connections will be available.

So what is Lotus Quickr .. I quote

an open standards-based team collaboration tool that helps teams inside and outside the company firewall easily and effectively work together across geographies, working styles and operating systems.

Lotus Quickr provides a rich set of team collaboration capabilities, including blogs, wikis and team space templates supporting a variety of business processes to get a collaboration project up and running quickly.

Now I just need to get my hand on using these tools.

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Why are you twittering?…..

This is the question I was asked today from somebody I have no idea who the person is.  It is neither one of my Twitter friends or Twitter followers.  Maybe this person is somebody that viewed my profile on Facebook where my twitterings is displayed via the Twitter Facebook application.

This made me think about how to answer this.  In the end, I think it is more that I follow other people than to tell the would what I am doing.  And via the people I follow, I have stumbled or was told about some really interesting things.  Things I would have no idea existed if I was not twittering.

However, founding out that people do actually read my one or two twitterings made me wonder whether I should actually share more about what I am up to.

So that one person from Knysna who is reading some of my twitterings, either become a follower so that I can start following you or just contact me to solve this mystery for me.

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cocomment — Never miss a comment follow-up again

I comment fairly often on other people’s blog entries but always forget to return to see what responses I receive on my comments.  Not anymore.  Thanks to Miguel dos Santos for putting me onto cocomment. With a Firefox extension (everybody is using Firefox, right) or even adding a plug-in to your own hosted blog, you can now track all you comments in one central place.  How neat.

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Who the hell does David Bullard think he is?

Have just read his piece in the Sunday Times and wonders what gives him the right to attack us bloggers out there.  As Vincent say in his reply, there is so much inaccuracies and generalizations that I have the impression that David Bullard has no idea what blogging is all about.

I have a full time job and have no interest in becoming a journalist, hell there is a lot of people like Vincent that does a way better job than me.  But I have opinions about things that I want to share.  I have technical knowledge about my job I can share.  To do these things I do not need to be a journalist.

Just to show how little David Bullard knows.  If publishing houses find blogs like So Close interesting by printing a book out of it, who is he to say that it does not add value and that there is no following.

Maybe only 20 or 30 people read my blog but that is a couple of people that show an interest in who and what I am. It is a place I can use to have a communication with like minded people and they with me.

The Sunday Times, under whose direction and auspices, Bullard has written the piece owes each and everyone of us bloggers an apology.

So, David Bullard, get back to play with your cars on a Sunday Afternoon and leave us bloggers alone.

Update: You can read more here:

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So I want an Afrigator t-shirt …

Have you joined Afrigator yet .. shame on you if you did not.  Come-on, go join so that I can get my T-shirt and who knows maybe even the iPod

Hey it is not just for me.  You are supporting a Start-up vide.  Thanks Nikki — copied this from you 🙂

While I am at it … Mike you are doing some great work here.

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I like Amatomu — I lie — I love it

I just love Amatomu .. It just do what it is suppose to do right.  And every time I pay it a visit there is something new.  See today on the My Stats page that it now shows how many times one’s blog is favourited (is this spelled correctly – I copied exactly from the page).  Mine still have a big fat zero next to it.

Guys, and if there is any gals involved, you are doing a great job. Keep it up.

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Congratulations Tertia!!!!!

I fellow blogger, friend, colleague has won the SA Blog Awards. Congratulations Tertia, I am so happy for you and suppose now we will not cope at all with you in the office .. luckily you sit in a different building.  At least now I can rub shoulders with a famous person 🙂 but then you are famous in any case.

Does not matter what people say about the Blog Awards and the judging .. you deserve this one kiddo.

I know you on leave, when you back bring that new toy via my desk so that I can also play on it a bit … you promised!

Update: Here is a video of the award evening.

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Privacy, and the things the blogophere brings

I read 2 blog entries today that basically covered the same thing and started me thinking what I am doing here and why I have  a blog.  The first was from Max on Kathy Sierra and treads around what one say.  I think the important thing to recognise is that there will always be people that will not like what one says.  Just like in normal life, there is the weirdos and things is no different in the blogging world.

The other one is from Tania and her so called identity crisis.  I purposly did not call my domain my name but something totally arbitory.  Where the name “henriska” comes from is a story I will tell at another time or if we ever meet face to face then ask me.

What has this all got to do with me.  I blog because I have an opinion about certain things and like to share it. But with this comes some responsibility.  Do not share information that is privilege to you.  People tell one things in confidence and the biggest no-no is to break that confidence. I try to be honest and if I make a opinion about somebody or something I try to back it up with facts.  And oh I do not blog anything about my family .. it is just a big no-no in my book.  And if I do not have anything good to say about my friends then I rather not say it.

How does the saying goes – criticise in private and praise in public.

Lastly, I believe we all want to belong and find ways to build a commuinity around us.  The blogging, twittering and facebook world we live in is a way for us to built that commuinity and feel accepted.

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Blogger Braai

Stormhoek is having a bloggers braai on their farm this coming Friday, 23 March.  Wish I had the time to attend this as it looks like a great lot of fun but unfortunately cannot make it.  For all those attending, have a great time. If you want to go then sign up here … be quick since they only take 25 people.  And they will even give you a sleeping place if you taste too much of their nice wines.

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