RSS feed update – 11 August 2007 and Amatomu ranking

First, the Amatomu flash ribbon display the wrong ranking on my site (This has now been fixed). Here is what is displayed at the moment
and this is the actual ranking . Anybody else has the same problem?

On to today’s tidbits:

To go with the Perfect City Challenge — Cape Town from Robben Island.

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RSS feed update – 10 August 2007

I am on leave at the moment so these might come out more frequently since I will have some time to scan through my feeds.

Today’s links:

The launch of Space Shuttle Endeavour lit up the sky at sunset as it lifted off on time at 6:36 p.m. EDT on mission STS-118, is the 22nd shuttle flight to the International Space Station. —

Image credit: NASA/Ken Thornsley

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RSS feed update – 9 August 2007

First off all, it is womens day here in South Africa.  To all women out there, may you have a great day and thanks for all that women do. 

Now onto todays tidbits:

Today’s picture:

Phoenix Rises Toward Mars

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RSS feed update – 5 August 2007

Today’s interesting tidbits:

No Cape Town pics today but one from Astronomy Picture of the day

The Dotted Dunes of Mars

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RSS feed update – 4 August 2007

Update on the Ferrari/McLaren Spy saga — FIA boss enters spying row.

Now for the new stuff:

And just to make you jealous about Cape Town
Boland Berge 3
Until next time .. have a great weekend.

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RSS feed update – 30 July 2007

Yes I know I said that I will do this on a weekly basis but my list is getting long so here it is.  In future it will appear when I have a critical mass (whenever that may be).

First an update on the F1/McLaren story — see that Ferrari did not like what the FIA ruled —,,2-9-2183_2154714,00.html and,,2-9-2183_2154714,00.html

Now for the new stuff:

Until next time.

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    From my RSS feedreader to the world — 28 July 2007

    I have been quiet over the last week due to being very busy at work and nothing really exciting to share.  I am going to start something new this week and hope it adds value and you, my reader, finds it interesting.

    I read blogs, news and various tidbits of information via a RSS feedreader.  The reader I use is Omea Pro from Jetbrains.  I find it one of the best out there and it is Free. I receive on average around 1500 feed items a week and I will share some of those with you on a weekly basis.  Here is my first lot.

    This is it for the first try.  Let me know what you think.  I will try to make it as varied as I can and highlight, share things that have tickled my fancy.

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    The last thing bloggers want to see.

    I just visited the blog of a well known blogger here in SA after reading his latest posting in my RSS reader.  This is what greeted me:

    I have blotted out the server name so that no-one can detect whose blog it is.  I suppose this is something all of us bloggers that host our own blogs have to deal with.  Databases that can go down or endless hassles when upgrading software as Max found out.

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    27dinner – 27 June 2007

    Firstly I am back to using ScribeFire to blog since Qumana did not live up to my expectations .. for some reason it will just die on me at the most unappropriated time.

    Yesterday evening I went to the 27dinner held at the Hotel School and overall it was a great evening.  Not as good as the first one at the Hotel School but great none the less.  The food was ok .. nothing to write home about and the last talk did not go down well — rather not mention names.

    Once again Stormhoek provided some wine — Graham, the pink one is not for me thanks but the Shiraz on the table was great.

    I met 2 guys from Die Burger who attended this for the first time — sorry guys but with all the new people I already forgot your names.  It is good to see old media embracing new media.

    Met some people in real life that I have met previously in the virtual world.  Eric and Lorynne, it is was good to meet.  Lorynne, you must have a great time in Spain.  Oh and the guy from Yeigo .. good to meet somebody whose product I am actually using.

    And then there was all the old faces — Dave, Max, Nikki, Tania, Joe, Malan, Henk and a couple of people I probably have left out.

    Lastly thanks for the cupcake.

    Other blog entries:

    I really need to find a way so that I remember the next morning who the people was that I met .. is it ok to ask for a business card or something at these kind of events? 

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    Blogging, laptops, rugby and 27dinners

    This blog post is written using Qumana as an offline blogging editor.  I have been using ScribeFire mostly but it was time to try something new and when Luis mentioned it in a blog entry, I gave it a try. BTW if anyone knows of a blogging tool that support ATOM publishing then let Luis know.

    I got another laptop this week, unfortunately not a new one but a hand-me down, to replace my failing HP.  It is an IBM Thinkpad T42, and what a major improvement over previous laptops I had.  This is the first IBM Thinkpad I have used and now I understand why people are so happy with Thinkpads.  It just feels more robust and nothing beats the clarity and resolution of the screen.  It is just a pleasure to work on it.

    This coming week it is time for Cape Town to have its 27dinner again.  It is again being held at the Hotel School and if the previous one is any indication, then this one should not be missed.  Hope to see some of you there.

    I have to say something about this afternoons rugby.  To be brutally honest, I have no idea what the outcome is going to be.  My heart say Boks all the way, but I think with the injuries and changes, it is going to be an uphill battle for the Boks.  And to go into the match with a brand new captain is not going to be easy.  I am just worried that Victor might struggle in the line-outs due to the extra pressure of being the captain.  We need him at his best in the line-outs.

    Now onto my all-time pet hate .. these chain e-mails that people just forward …I hate it, hate it, hate it. So if you happen to be one of those people that send this crap to me then please, and I am asking nicely, STOP it.  Anja said it even better than I could.

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