After not playing golf for more that 2 years, I was back on the course yesterday morning. What a painful experience — could not even break 100. When last I played I shot in the mid to lower 80’s so this was an experience by itself. This morning my legs and back are sore with blisters on my heels. But I also know after a couple of rounds everything will be getting back to normal again.
Talking about golf. Saw this post from Mr BusinessGolf today on Ernie’s prediction that he, Ernie, will catch Tiger in 3 years time and be #1 again. Mr BusinessGolf is predicting that it will be a lot sooner. I am a patriotic supported of Ernie, and know him personally, but do not agree with Mr BusinessGolf. Ernie must first gets his mental side in order before he will catch Tiger on anybody else for that matter.
Oh and lastly, my spanking new Ford Focus 1.6 SI Sport was delivered to me yesterday afternoon. Luckily I am on holiday so will take it for a leisurely drive to the beach today.
Technorati Tags: golf, ernie els, mr businessgolf, ford focus, car