DTP #8: Visitors in the morning

Guinie Fowl

These Guinea Fowl come pay me a visit every morning.  They are part of a large group that roam the area where I live.

The guineafowl (sometimes called guineahen) are a family of birds in the same order as the pheasants, turkeys and other game birds and is native to Africa.

DTP #3: Cape Town today

Yes I know I said that it will be Daily but due to unforeseen circumstances it got to way less than Daily. 

This is the sunrise this morning as taken from my house …


And this is the view from my office of beautiful Table Mountain …


How can one not love staying in this wonderful part of the world. 

DTP #2: Dinner by candlelight

Sorry for the quality but it is the best I could do in the dark with my cellphone.


Last night at around 7 pm the power went out in my room.  Luckily I had a battery flashlight (the first one did not work and I had to get a replacement).  Not being able to use the microwave or anything, I settled for a dinner of cheese and crackers.

Just some of the things to keep in mind when travelling across South Africa these days.  You never know when you going to be hit by a power failure.

Daily Travel Photo (DTP) #1

As most of you know my current job involves travelling across the breath of South Africa, mostly by air but I do come across things I would like to share.  I thought I would take a leave out of Paul’s and Kerry-Ann’s (they are the people behind Cape Town Daily Photo) book and share a photograph on a daily basis.  At least that is the idea, I might skip some days when time does not allow.

I am calling my attempt at this, Daily Travel Photo (DTP) since it will be a photograph about where the road and work takes me.


I though the best place to start is where I stay at the moment.  It is a glorious sunny winters day in Johannesburg and this photo is taken from my guesthouse room balcony of the back garden with the swimming pool and little cascading  waterfall which has a very soothing sound.

Hope you enjoy what I have to bring you on a daily basis.  Actually I stated this yesterday with the post regarding the beggar.

Comments always welcome.