Eerste golf in amper 7 maande.

Vandag weer vir die eerste keer in amper 7 maande gaan golf speel.  Ek het by my tuisklub, Bellville gaan speel.

Eers die weer.  Met die begin was die weer perfek.  Bietjie toegetrek, koelerig en ‘n ligte windjie wat gewaai het. Na 15 gatjies begin dit toe mos te reën.  Ek hou net niks van om in die reën te speel nie ma het ma deurgedruk want dit het maar lig gereën.

Wat die golf betref was dit maar nie watse wonners nie .. ek het darem 7 maande laas gespeel.
Bellville golf 1
Vanaf die 15de bof .. ja mens moet oor die water en vandag kan ek darem se ek is sonder probleme daar oor.

Daar was goeie houe, briljante houe en ook baie slegte houe.  Op die ou einde het ek 94 bymekaar geskraap en siende dat ek ‘n 19 voorgee is, is dit seker nie te sleg nie.
Bellville golf 2
Die 9de putjie se bof met die klubhuis in die verte.

Die enigste bal wat ek verloor het was op die 9de putjie waar ek die bal regs buite perke geslaan het.

Die fotos is met my Nokia N80 selfoon geneem.  Glad nie sleg vir ‘n selfoon kamera nie.

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RSS feed update – 4 August 2007

Update on the Ferrari/McLaren Spy saga — FIA boss enters spying row.

Now for the new stuff:

And just to make you jealous about Cape Town
Boland Berge 3
Until next time .. have a great weekend.

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10pin bowling — And the winners are ..

Yesterday afternoon a bunch off us (about 40 – 8 teams) from work went 10pin bowling at TygerValley.  After some fierce competition there was a winning team.

In the photo from left to right is Tertia (yes the one and only from So Close), Fouche, Adam, Cobus and myself.  Now it must be said that we probably had a slight unfair advantage with Tertia in the team. What she lacked in 10pin bowling she made up in disrupting all the other teams with clicking photos of them and just getting in their way.  Thanks a lot Tertia.

In the end it was a great gathering which carried on till late in the evening for some of us.  Kevin, hope you made it home.

Thanks must go to Tertia and Andre for organizing a great afternoon/evening.

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Blogging, laptops, rugby and 27dinners

This blog post is written using Qumana as an offline blogging editor.  I have been using ScribeFire mostly but it was time to try something new and when Luis mentioned it in a blog entry, I gave it a try. BTW if anyone knows of a blogging tool that support ATOM publishing then let Luis know.

I got another laptop this week, unfortunately not a new one but a hand-me down, to replace my failing HP.  It is an IBM Thinkpad T42, and what a major improvement over previous laptops I had.  This is the first IBM Thinkpad I have used and now I understand why people are so happy with Thinkpads.  It just feels more robust and nothing beats the clarity and resolution of the screen.  It is just a pleasure to work on it.

This coming week it is time for Cape Town to have its 27dinner again.  It is again being held at the Hotel School and if the previous one is any indication, then this one should not be missed.  Hope to see some of you there.

I have to say something about this afternoons rugby.  To be brutally honest, I have no idea what the outcome is going to be.  My heart say Boks all the way, but I think with the injuries and changes, it is going to be an uphill battle for the Boks.  And to go into the match with a brand new captain is not going to be easy.  I am just worried that Victor might struggle in the line-outs due to the extra pressure of being the captain.  We need him at his best in the line-outs.

Now onto my all-time pet hate .. these chain e-mails that people just forward …I hate it, hate it, hate it. So if you happen to be one of those people that send this crap to me then please, and I am asking nicely, STOP it.  Anja said it even better than I could.

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Day at the Rugby — South Africa vs Australia

Thanks to Deon and Pieter from Clickatell, I was invited to the rugby game yesterday between South Africa and Australia.

I was picked up at home and then again dropped off back at home, thanks Deon for being the taxi driver. Met some great guys, Deon, Christo (he started 20Twenty bank and is now into Hotels),  Andre and Arthur — was good to meet you guys. Arrived at Groote Schuur High School ground around 1pm where a great lunch was served and lots of beers consumed.  Werner Greeff was the guest speaker .. think he should rather stay at playing rugby/golf than speaking 🙂

Around 2:30 we made our way across to the stadium and took our seats just in time for the teams taking to the field. What a great game of rugby.  Nerve raking for the last 10 minutes or so but hey we won and that is what counts.  Think we need to do better next week against the All Blacks if we want to win again.  I tend to forget how much better it is to be part of 50000 people at the game rather than to watch it on TV.  Yes, you have a better view of the close up game on TV but nothing beat 50000 cheering fans.

After the game we bumped and pushed our way out of the stadium back to the hospitality tent for some celebrating beers and dinner.  There were some lucky draws and a fellow table guest won a hospitality package to the South African/New Zealand cricket game at Newlands in November.

Thanks again to Clickatell for inviting me.

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We all become Sharks and Bulls supporters today!!!

Today is the day we all become Sharks and Bulls supporters.  Even if you are a Sharks or Bulls supporter only I suggest for only today you cheer for both teams.  You can go back to your home team when the Sharks and Bulls play one another next week.  Hey I am a South African and have to be optimistic that both the Sharks and Bulls are going to win.

And just to be clear, my team is watching from the sidelines preparing for the Currie Cup.

And if anyone reading this have no idea what I am talking about you are clearly either not a South African and/or a rugby fan.

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The less said the better, but ….

I have purposely said as little as possible during the Cricket WorldCup but now that we, South Africa, is finish I am going to say my bit. I know it is easy for us armchair cricketers to be critical but I believe that as a South African, and a proud one, I have the right to ask certain questions.

First about yesterdays game:

  • Why does injured players go play in an important game like that?  Does being the captain automatically imply that one play even if you have a injured knee? Is Andre Nel that much better than Ntini to play with an almost broken thumb – I think not.
  • What were Smith and Kallis thinking by storming down the wicket and throwing their wicket away so early in the game?  Cricket is suppose to be a thinking man’s game — there was absolutely no thinking.
  • Why did Smith not take the 2nd and 3rd powerplay or for that matter be more attacking in the field — they needed wickets. There was no way they would have won by defending the runs.

Overall on the whole worldcup:

  • Why did Petersen go with if he was not going to be used?
  • Why was there no stability in the team? I got the feeling that no one was realy sure who should play when.
  • Surely the team strategist, whomever he or she might have been, knew what type of wickets and condition was waiting on the team.  Why was’nt a team picked that are suitable for that conditions. I am sure somebody like Paul Harris would have been much more valuable than say Kemp.

Yes I am disappointed as a South African that we are out of the WorldCup but given the above I sort of expected it, so it was not a real surprise.  The surprise would have been if we actually went on to win the cup.  The fact that we got to the semis is already more than I expected with the team they picked.

I am sure lot of you have a comment and opinion, whether you agree or not.  At least we now have a Rugby WorldCup to look forward to.  Lets go into it  optimistically and I believe if we pick the right squad then we can win that Cup.

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Do I comment or just keep quiet?

Reading my RSS feed this morning and looking at South African Blogs, I see one common theme.  Yes you are all correct — everybody has something to say about the CWC cricket and the fact that SA lost to Bangladesh.

This made me think .. is this realy so surprising.  I think not.  Why did we became number 1 in One Day Cricket?  If you think about it then it is only because we played home series agaist 2 teams (India and Paktistan) that neither made the second round.  Oh and Australia had other things on their mind after winning the Ashes and before the world cup when they lost 5 ODI’s to New Zealand.  So just looking at this .. do South Africa realy deserve to be Number 1 in ODI cricket.  I think not and it is starting to show.  We were lucky to win against Sri Lanka in any case.

Now I have said my bit also so if anybody disagrees with me feel free to comment. Healthy debate is more than welcome.

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