Photo outing – Magic Forrest Dam

Close to where I live, Oude Westhoff, is a place called the Magic Forrest — you can see on the photo above.  Yesterday I spend some time taking some photos around the dam.

Even the kids have their makeshift boat but looks like it is a bit stuck in the reeds 🙂

Water cascading down the dam-wall – looks like it is somewhere in cold Europe with the water being iced up.

More photos can be seen in my gallery here.

All these photographs were taken with my Canon Powershot SX10 in Auto mode.  No post processing was done on them except reduced in size for displaying on this page.  The original photographs are in my gallery.

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Snow on the mountains

As mentioned in my previous posting, my daughter spend the day in Stellenbosch writing admission tests.  Yesterday afternoon when I went to fetch her, I saw the snow covered mountain peeks.  Now you all know why it is so freezing cold here in Cape Town.

You can see the full scale image and more in my gallery here.

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Winter sunrise — cold but beautiful

I had to get up very early this morning, taking my daughter to Stellenbosch to go write her acceptance tests today for studying at University next year.  On my way home, the sun was rising through the trees right in front of me.  I stopped and took some photos. 

You can find some more in my gallery here.

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Sunset Rainbow

Sometime nature can just be wonderful .. with the setting sun we got an amazing rainbow.  This rainbow stretched from one side to the other but as a learning photographer with no wide-angle lens yet, I totally forgot to take a series of photos to stitch together for a panoramic.  Hey this is the way one learns.  Here are some of the photos.

I got this aeroplane flying in front, through :), behind the rainbow.  It was a quick “mik” and shoot so it is a bit blurry but I got the plane.

Start of the rainbow


and end of the rainbow.

Full set can be found here in my gallery.

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Sunset after rain and thunder

After the rain and thunder of yesterday, I knew that sunset must be something different.  And I was not wrong.  I took this photos looking east, opposite direction of the setting sun.  I love the picture above with the different cloud colours .. the reddish part that pick up the reflection of the setting sun the then the white pieces that was hidden from the sun.

More here – My Photo Gallery – Sunset

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DTP #10: Op my voorstoep

Aan die een kan van waar ek woon is die Tygerberg Natuurreservaat

en aan die ander kant is die Altydgedacht Wynplaas.

Waar anders as net hier in die Kaap kan mens so naby die stad bly en tog ook die natuur op jou voorstoep hê. Op die boonste foto, aan die linkerkant, is ‘n rivier wat reg voor die uitgang van die kompleks is waarin ek woon.  Op lieflike somers dae soos vandag hoef ek nie ver te loop om die natuur te geniet nie.

DTP# 4: Two sides of the same coin.


Rainbow over Cape Town while I was driving home from work.  Those of you that know Cape Town will know these bridges – this is the half build bridges which is now earning the city lots of money being used in adverts and movies.

Sononder 1 20080803

Two days later on my way back from Stellenbosch after dropping my son at varsity, I saw this view.  This is taken from the Polkadraai road between Stellenbosch and Kuilsriver.  Those of you that do not recognise the mountain .. its Tablemountain.