IBM Software Live!

Spend the whole of yesterday at an IBM Software Live! day presented by 2 of my American coleagues – Doug Spencer and Jeff Reynolds (Kelly, you probably know Jeff since he also originated from Rational)

As fairly new to IBM it was good to see the range of IBM software products and wow what a range .. Covered from Tivoli on the monitoring side, Lotus on the people side, Websphere on the middleware side, Rational on the development side and then Information Management on content/data side.

Also good to see IBM’s direction with Web 2.0 and products like Connections and Quickr.  And then the support for open standards and open source.

The venue was great (Mount Nelson hotel in Cape Town) and the food was great.  Oh and a customer of mine walked away with an Apple iPod Nano in a lucky draw. Good for you Simon. Yes, us IBMers were not allowed to throw our business cards into the bowl 🙂

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South Africans in Ireland for Lotusphere event

See from Ed that some South Africans will attend a Lotusphere Comes to you event. Wonder who this South Africans are and hope they are going to take some notes so that they can bring the event also to us poor sods that have to stay behind here in South Africa.

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What is all this twittering that people are doing …

I see more and more people twittering (is there a word like that, if not then I have just created it). Must I or must I not join the community of twitters (another new word?). Do I want the world to know what I do every freaking minute of my day? So if any of my readers have some advice and reasons why I should join the twittering community then let me know. Better still, if you think I should not join then also say so.