Who the hell does David Bullard think he is?

Have just read his piece in the Sunday Times and wonders what gives him the right to attack us bloggers out there.  As Vincent say in his reply, there is so much inaccuracies and generalizations that I have the impression that David Bullard has no idea what blogging is all about.

I have a full time job and have no interest in becoming a journalist, hell there is a lot of people like Vincent that does a way better job than me.  But I have opinions about things that I want to share.  I have technical knowledge about my job I can share.  To do these things I do not need to be a journalist.

Just to show how little David Bullard knows.  If publishing houses find blogs like So Close interesting by printing a book out of it, who is he to say that it does not add value and that there is no following.

Maybe only 20 or 30 people read my blog but that is a couple of people that show an interest in who and what I am. It is a place I can use to have a communication with like minded people and they with me.

The Sunday Times, under whose direction and auspices, Bullard has written the piece owes each and everyone of us bloggers an apology.

So, David Bullard, get back to play with your cars on a Sunday Afternoon and leave us bloggers alone.

Update: You can read more here:

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27dinner — 27 April 2007

I went to the 27dinner last night and overall it was a great evening.  The venue was great – Neil summed it up well in his post.

It was good to meet Max, Dave, Malan, Roelof, Glen, Nikki and so many others.  Also good to see old friends and acquaintances.

Ian gave a great talk and I really enjoyed the talk on where Bru and Boegie came from.

Update:  had to add a photo … Tania and Ian + somebody that I do not know who it is 🙂

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So I want an Afrigator t-shirt …

Have you joined Afrigator yet .. shame on you if you did not.  Come-on, go join so that I can get my T-shirt and who knows maybe even the iPod

Hey it is not just for me.  You are supporting a Start-up vide.  Thanks Nikki — copied this from you 🙂

While I am at it … Mike you are doing some great work here.

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The joys of being a mobile worker

As most of you that read this blog know, I work for IBM and they are very pro mobile working.  Think one of the last stats that I saw said that around 50% of IBMers are mobile workers.

Today is one of those days where I am one of that 50%.  What a pleasure not to sit in the traffic for a hour of so.  It is amazing how much more work one gets done without being interupted by people and your office phone ringing.  I think I got through the same amount of work this morning than would normally take me at least 2 full days in the office.  And all the time one is still in contact with everybody through the wonders of technology like Lotus Notes and Lotus Sametime.

Think one of the best things is that one does not need to worry about what to wear since one has no face to face contact so basically one can be naked and nobody would be the wiser.

More and more companies should encourage their workers to be mobile workers. Less cars will be commuting to and from work.  Companies would save on office space since they can allocate one desk to multiple people.  People that are mobile workers also need to be more mature in the way they work.  They should be able to work independent with the least amount of supervision.

I would love to hear comments form people that work from places that is not their normal offices about their experiences, what they liked about it, what they hated and just how they feel about it.

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Facebook — I feel so old!

I have been on Facebook now for a couple of weeks and still try to figure out what the audience is.  So do others.  One thing I see is that the majority is from some or other University, even in South Africa.  I have found and joined my working network and even there it seems that the only people on it is the younger generation. 

Why do I feel so old on Facebook?  Am I missing something here?  Is Facebook only for young people?  Maybe I should start my own group for all over 40’s on Facebook!  Maybe there is one already and I have just not found it.

Lot of questions I know, maybe it is just that I do not get Facebook and the purpose of it.  There must be a purpose if somebody is prepared to pay 1 billion US dollars for it.

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I like Amatomu — I lie — I love it

I just love Amatomu .. It just do what it is suppose to do right.  And every time I pay it a visit there is something new.  See today on the My Stats page that it now shows how many times one’s blog is favourited (is this spelled correctly – I copied exactly from the page).  Mine still have a big fat zero next to it.

Guys, and if there is any gals involved, you are doing a great job. Keep it up.

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Geekdinner, 28 March

Yesterday evening (28 March) I attended the Geekdinner that was held at Barbarellas in Constantia Village and my overall opinion is that is was a great success and everybody had a great time.

It was good to meet some virtual acquaintances like Tania and Neil face to face and also to catch up with old friends like Ian and Joe.  Have also met a lot of other people but names is not one of my strong points.

The talks was good and interesting .. not too long and in all likelyhood the right kind of talks for the people that attended.  I particurly liked that Ubuntu was promoted and people were asked to get involved. Neil’s talk on OpenID gave me the idea to implement OpenID on this blog.

There is one thing that I find strange — were is all the geek girls?  Out of a group of about 50 I only counted 5.  BTW, what does one call a female geek?

Thanks again Joe for arranging .. was a job well done.

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How does one keep up with Twitter?

I have only 5 friends on my Twitter and almost cannot keep up with all the chatter.  How does other people keep up.  See Andy has 39 and Kelly 27 and I am sure there are others that have way way more friends.  Read today that some people have 1000 people they follow ..

I would like to know how all you Twitter users keep up with all this?

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Skaak Saterdag

Sien op Tania se blog oor die Skaak ding Saterdag by Fandango … ek is seker Tania soek net skaak spelers soos ek wat sy kan wen.  Ek kan ongelukkig dit nie maak nie … daai familie verpligtinge wat mens van tyd tot tyd moet doen.  Sou graag daar wou wees al was dit net om mense in lewende lywe te ontmoet — sal maar moet wag tot die volgende keer of een van die Geekdinners of 27Dinners.

Vandag moet ek die verkeersdepartement gaan trotseer — my kredietkaart bestuurslisensie moet hernu word.  Sien nou regtig nie uit daarna nie … hopelik is daar nie veel mense in die ry by Durbanville nie.

PS. For my non-Afrikaans visitors … if you need a translation of this then just shout — it is about chess and drivers license.

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I am twittering

Have eventually took the plunge and joined Twitter to see what it is all about.  What is all this fuss everybody talks about.  Do I really want the world to know what I am doing all the time.

I tried to update my Twitter via GTalk but cannot get to work. So the only way to update it at the moment is via the web interface.  Yes know one can also do it via SMS but that is way to expensive just to tell the world something totally arbitrary.

Update 14 March: Twittering with GTalk works …

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