About Marius

Owner of Henriska Technology and Project Manager by profession.

In search of a digital camera!

I am traveling overseas in a couple of weeks time – for work to IBM Denmark but will hopefully have some spare time for some sightseeing.  Will be my first trip to Denmark.  I probably need to invest in a digital camera before that and looking for suggestions.  I am not a photographic professional like Andy so do not need anything fancy and complex.

Mainly looking for something that can take decent pictures, have good zoom capabilities and is fairly small with a fair size memory card.

While I am at it, I will also appreciate advice on things to see and do when in Denmark — I am mainly going to Copenhagen. And what type of clothes to take — probably will go there the first or second week of April — what is the weather like then?

Any advice will be appreciated.

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Blogger Braai

Stormhoek is having a bloggers braai on their farm this coming Friday, 23 March.  Wish I had the time to attend this as it looks like a great lot of fun but unfortunately cannot make it.  For all those attending, have a great time. If you want to go then sign up here … be quick since they only take 25 people.  And they will even give you a sleeping place if you taste too much of their nice wines.

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So frustrating — this $&^$#& Internet is SA

I do not know whether it is Telkom or IS (my ISP is a IS affiliated one) but for the last couple of days/weeks my international connectivity is shocking.  As I sit or should I say type, I cannot even access Google.

This is a damn Saturday morning and everybody should be sleeping so it cannot be to little bandwidth so it is something technical which somebody should be able to easily fix.  But then we have so much morons in this country running companies that it is only interested in screwing us and pocketing the money.  There I got if off my chest but it did &$&^$& to my Internet connectivity .. I still cannot access most International sites.

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Are you in SA and an Amstel beer drinker?

I suggest you stock up — with Heineken canceling the contract with SAB for distributing Amstel, it looks like there will be a dry patch for all you Amstel drinkers….

If you do run out then I suggest you switch to either Windhoek Lager or Heineken … please do not switch to Castle or Lion — you will regret it the morning after.

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How does one keep up with Twitter?

I have only 5 friends on my Twitter and almost cannot keep up with all the chatter.  How does other people keep up.  See Andy has 39 and Kelly 27 and I am sure there are others that have way way more friends.  Read today that some people have 1000 people they follow ..

I would like to know how all you Twitter users keep up with all this?

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Skaak Saterdag

Sien op Tania se blog oor die Skaak ding Saterdag by Fandango … ek is seker Tania soek net skaak spelers soos ek wat sy kan wen.  Ek kan ongelukkig dit nie maak nie … daai familie verpligtinge wat mens van tyd tot tyd moet doen.  Sou graag daar wou wees al was dit net om mense in lewende lywe te ontmoet — sal maar moet wag tot die volgende keer of een van die Geekdinners of 27Dinners.

Vandag moet ek die verkeersdepartement gaan trotseer — my kredietkaart bestuurslisensie moet hernu word.  Sien nou regtig nie uit daarna nie … hopelik is daar nie veel mense in die ry by Durbanville nie.

PS. For my non-Afrikaans visitors … if you need a translation of this then just shout — it is about chess and drivers license.

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I am twittering

Have eventually took the plunge and joined Twitter to see what it is all about.  What is all this fuss everybody talks about.  Do I really want the world to know what I am doing all the time.

I tried to update my Twitter via GTalk but cannot get to work. So the only way to update it at the moment is via the web interface.  Yes know one can also do it via SMS but that is way to expensive just to tell the world something totally arbitrary.

Update 14 March: Twittering with GTalk works …

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Now this sucks

Voting is open for SA Blog Awards and as a colleague and friend of mine has the best blog in SA I wanted to go an cast my vote. Well the voting site have problems …

Warning: mysql_pconnect() [function.mysql-pconnect]: #08004Too many connections in /usr/www/users/sabloga/includes/db.class.php on line 27
Sorry, cannot connect to the database.

Please guys, fix your site … get somebody that knows a bit about MySQL and up those connections .. cannot think that on a Sunday morning you should run out of connections. How many connections do you allow — 10??

While I am at it .. if you have never read Tertia’s blog ‘So Close’, please do yourself a favor and read it.  Yes, it talks a lot about female stuff like PMS, infertility, babies but she writes it in such a way that us males even enjoy reading it.

BTW Tertia, figured out how to get you blog via RSS feed for my feedreader.  Will show you on Monday so you can add a link somewhere for all the people that does not use Bloglines or Google Reader.

Update: The error is fixed and I casted my vote … so Tertia, if you win that MacBook then you owe me …

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