About Marius

Owner of Henriska Technology and Project Manager by profession.

Why is Telkom so anti everything?

I just read an article in the latest iWeek on the issues that the roll out of broadband in Cape Town is encountering.  Here is a link to the article. (You need to be a subscriber, which is free, to read the article).

Basically it is about Telkom that is objecting to the awarding of the contract by the Cape Town municipality to a consortium consisting of MTN and Cornastone. The reasons Telkom gives is so childish ie – (1) that some old law is still in existence and only they are allowed to provide connectivity and (2) they were not informed that they did not make the shortlist.

As Mike Brierley from MTN says

.. the matter illustrates Telkom’s bullying tactics ..

Come on Telkom, grow up. 

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Do I comment or just keep quiet?

Reading my RSS feed this morning and looking at South African Blogs, I see one common theme.  Yes you are all correct — everybody has something to say about the CWC cricket and the fact that SA lost to Bangladesh.

This made me think .. is this realy so surprising.  I think not.  Why did we became number 1 in One Day Cricket?  If you think about it then it is only because we played home series agaist 2 teams (India and Paktistan) that neither made the second round.  Oh and Australia had other things on their mind after winning the Ashes and before the world cup when they lost 5 ODI’s to New Zealand.  So just looking at this .. do South Africa realy deserve to be Number 1 in ODI cricket.  I think not and it is starting to show.  We were lucky to win against Sri Lanka in any case.

Now I have said my bit also so if anybody disagrees with me feel free to comment. Healthy debate is more than welcome.

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This blog has been upgraded to WordPress 2.1.3

Have just upgraded this bolg to WordPress 2.1.3.  I quote

These releases include fixes for several publicly known minor XSS issues, one major XML-RPC issue, and a proactive full sweep of the WordPress codebase to protect against future problems.

You can read more here.

If there is any problems then please leave a comment.

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Little piece of software I cannot live without — it is realy great.

Want spell checking, thesaurus (even used it to look up the spelling of this), Wikipedia, Wiktionary and more from any application then head over to WordWeb.  After you install this little gem then it just sits in your system tray and wait on you to CNTRL-rightclick on a word and open pops all the info you need about that word.

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April fool at Google

Yes it is April fools’ day and Google is at it again.  Want a paper copy of your email mailed to you then just ask Google and they will oblige.

Now why would I want a paper copy of my mail if I can print the thing myself?  I bet there is a couple of people that are going to fall for this one.

Think a bit today before you believe anything said and written .. it might just be that somebody is trying to take the mickey out of you.

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Congratulations Tertia!!!!!

I fellow blogger, friend, colleague has won the SA Blog Awards. Congratulations Tertia, I am so happy for you and suppose now we will not cope at all with you in the office .. luckily you sit in a different building.  At least now I can rub shoulders with a famous person 🙂 but then you are famous in any case.

Does not matter what people say about the Blog Awards and the judging .. you deserve this one kiddo.

I know you on leave, when you back bring that new toy via my desk so that I can also play on it a bit … you promised!

Update: Here is a video of the award evening.

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Geekdinner, 28 March

Yesterday evening (28 March) I attended the Geekdinner that was held at Barbarellas in Constantia Village and my overall opinion is that is was a great success and everybody had a great time.

It was good to meet some virtual acquaintances like Tania and Neil face to face and also to catch up with old friends like Ian and Joe.  Have also met a lot of other people but names is not one of my strong points.

The talks was good and interesting .. not too long and in all likelyhood the right kind of talks for the people that attended.  I particurly liked that Ubuntu was promoted and people were asked to get involved. Neil’s talk on OpenID gave me the idea to implement OpenID on this blog.

There is one thing that I find strange — were is all the geek girls?  Out of a group of about 50 I only counted 5.  BTW, what does one call a female geek?

Thanks again Joe for arranging .. was a job well done.

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Privacy, and the things the blogophere brings

I read 2 blog entries today that basically covered the same thing and started me thinking what I am doing here and why I have  a blog.  The first was from Max on Kathy Sierra and treads around what one say.  I think the important thing to recognise is that there will always be people that will not like what one says.  Just like in normal life, there is the weirdos and things is no different in the blogging world.

The other one is from Tania and her so called identity crisis.  I purposly did not call my domain my name but something totally arbitory.  Where the name “henriska” comes from is a story I will tell at another time or if we ever meet face to face then ask me.

What has this all got to do with me.  I blog because I have an opinion about certain things and like to share it. But with this comes some responsibility.  Do not share information that is privilege to you.  People tell one things in confidence and the biggest no-no is to break that confidence. I try to be honest and if I make a opinion about somebody or something I try to back it up with facts.  And oh I do not blog anything about my family .. it is just a big no-no in my book.  And if I do not have anything good to say about my friends then I rather not say it.

How does the saying goes – criticise in private and praise in public.

Lastly, I believe we all want to belong and find ways to build a commuinity around us.  The blogging, twittering and facebook world we live in is a way for us to built that commuinity and feel accepted.

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How to flirt on the road with your car ..

We all know how to say thanks when another driver let you pass on the road or give you a gap at a busy intersection.  But what if you want to say more than thanks .. see a nice looking girl or guy in the car next to you?  Well some German guy came up with a thing called the Flashbox to set off a series of indicator flicks that mean something

This might get real interesting and confusing if all the cars around you suddenly start flashing their indicators and everyone start “chatting” with everyone.  Is this just another form of social networking and community building?

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