About Marius

Owner of Henriska Technology and Project Manager by profession.

Denmark trip – Update

I have eventually received my Visa this morning after the 3rd try and it is valid and correct.  Luckily it has now been issued for a whole year so any travel to Europe over the next year will be a bit easier.  The travel agent did manage to screw up my travel date so now I will be traveling a day earlier (Sunday, 20th) and stay one day longer in Copenhagen.  Will have to work in some sightseeing.

I have to be at the airport at some un-godly hour on Sunday morning — 7am flight out of Cape Town.  And I am landing back in Cape Town at just an un-godly hour.  Saturday morning at 5am.

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We all become Sharks and Bulls supporters today!!!

Today is the day we all become Sharks and Bulls supporters.  Even if you are a Sharks or Bulls supporter only I suggest for only today you cheer for both teams.  You can go back to your home team when the Sharks and Bulls play one another next week.  Hey I am a South African and have to be optimistic that both the Sharks and Bulls are going to win.

And just to be clear, my team is watching from the sidelines preparing for the Currie Cup.

And if anyone reading this have no idea what I am talking about you are clearly either not a South African and/or a rugby fan.

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Who the hell does David Bullard think he is?

Have just read his piece in the Sunday Times and wonders what gives him the right to attack us bloggers out there.  As Vincent say in his reply, there is so much inaccuracies and generalizations that I have the impression that David Bullard has no idea what blogging is all about.

I have a full time job and have no interest in becoming a journalist, hell there is a lot of people like Vincent that does a way better job than me.  But I have opinions about things that I want to share.  I have technical knowledge about my job I can share.  To do these things I do not need to be a journalist.

Just to show how little David Bullard knows.  If publishing houses find blogs like So Close interesting by printing a book out of it, who is he to say that it does not add value and that there is no following.

Maybe only 20 or 30 people read my blog but that is a couple of people that show an interest in who and what I am. It is a place I can use to have a communication with like minded people and they with me.

The Sunday Times, under whose direction and auspices, Bullard has written the piece owes each and everyone of us bloggers an apology.

So, David Bullard, get back to play with your cars on a Sunday Afternoon and leave us bloggers alone.

Update: You can read more here:

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Danish embassy and Visa problems

I was suppose to travel to Denmark on Monday the 7th, in fact originally planned for 23 April. Last Wednesday, 25 April, my Visa was issued just to find out that it was issued for the period 23 April to 28 April … in the past from the issue date. How can somebody issue a Visa knowing that has already expired? They then had to re-issue the Visa and today I found out that it will only be ready next Tuesday, 8 May — a day after I am suppose to leave.

This mean that I have no option but to postpone my trip to Denmark. I am now planning to travel to Denmark on 21 May but the way things are going who knows if I will ever get to Denmark.

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Public holiday, sunny sky, camera phone, laptop and wireless …

Life is great when one can have great coffee (Vida e Caffe) in an open air coffee shop, 3G wireless connectivity to do some last minute work before work tomorrow and listen to all the chatter of people relaxing on this public holiday.
And do not forget the wonders of camera cellphones … this picture was taken with my Nokia N80 with a 3MP camera.

Yes, I am writing this blog entry as I sit having coffee, taking the picture, uploading it to Flickr, updating my blog, all via 3G wireless.

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27dinner — 27 April 2007

I went to the 27dinner last night and overall it was a great evening.  The venue was great – Neil summed it up well in his post.

It was good to meet Max, Dave, Malan, Roelof, Glen, Nikki and so many others.  Also good to see old friends and acquaintances.

Ian gave a great talk and I really enjoyed the talk on where Bru and Boegie came from.

Update:  had to add a photo … Tania and Ian + somebody that I do not know who it is 🙂

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