About Marius

Owner of Henriska Technology and Project Manager by profession.

Moving this blog.

This Blog will be moving from it’s current home to a new home over the next week or so.  So if you happen to be the 1 or 2 people that is reading my blog and cannot find it then you know why.

The server where I am currently hosting is just getting too unreliable and I think it is a good time to move to my Dreamhost server where my other blog is already hosted.

PS. If you happen to host with or planning to host with SAHOSTPLUS.COM then please re-consider.  Their support is non-existant when something goes wrong.

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TV Shopping — what should I buy?

I am in the market for a new TV and have been doing some homework. I have decided on 2 things already:

  • It will be a Samsung – have looked at both the Sony and Samsung and although I believe the Sony’s engine is a bit better, the Samsung TV just look so much nicer.
  • It will be 32 inch – the room where I will put the TV is fairly small and anything bigger will just not work.

Basically this left me with the following sets:





The top 2 are 720p and the bottom 2 are 1080p.  If I was just looking at resolution then I would have taken the A330 since when I compared the 720p against 1080p on 32″, watching Blu-Ray, there was no noticeable difference.  However I still have to answer the following to make up my mind:

  • What difference does refresh rate of 50Mhz vs 100Mhz make?  Initial investigation by watching a soccer game on both the B550 (50Mhz) and the B650 (100Mhz) did not show much difference.  I am not a game player that play these fast games that need fast refesh rates.
  • What difference does response times make?  Have not looked at these at all.
  • Then there is the question about contrast ratios? Not looked at this at all. 
  • And then with SA moving to Digital TV broadcasting.  Does is help in getting a TV with a Digital receiver in it.  The B650 above has a iDTV (Integrated DVB-T Tuner) — the question still remains whether this will work with SA’s Digital Spec.

More questions than answers.  Your comments more than welcome.

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Mona Liza made from coffee.

Those that know me well, also know that I am as close as one gets to a coffee addict.  I cannot walk past Vida without popping out with an Americano.

Now take 3604 cups of latte, with different amounts of cream and place them together and what do you get?  This

How neat is that …

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Wat was jou eerste rekenaar?

Na aanleiding van ‘n inskrywing van Jo-Ann waar sy praat oor haar eerste rekenaar, het ek dit goed gedink om bietjie te skryf oor myne.  En hier gaan ek sekerlik my ouderdom weggee en die jonklomp van vandag gaan nie ‘n “clue” hê waaroor ek praat nie.

My eerste rekenaar het ek aangeskaf in, ek dink 1978.  Dit was nog die dae voor PC’s.  Dit was ‘n Apple II wat min of meer so gelyk het.

Daai skerm wat julle daar sien was groen gewees en dit het een of ander vorm van Basic gehad.  Die floppy drives was, ek dink, 128KB en ek het net een gehad.  Ek kan nog onthou dat ek ‘n huis finansies program geskryf het en ‘n hele 3 kopers gehad vir die ding.

My volgende rekenaar het ek in 1981 aangeskaf en die was ‘n IBM PC wat in Suid Afrika gemaak is met die naam Psion.  Dink hulle bestaan lank nie meer nie.  Hierdie rekenaar met 2 floppy drives and 640KB geheue het my seker naby die R8000 uit die sak gejaag wat baie geld in daai dae was — geen hardeskyf nie.

Vandag staan hier 3 rekenaars, waarvan een ‘n laptop is, in my huis.  En alles is genetwerk en met die druk van ‘n knopiie kan mens basies enigiets in die hande kry. 

Die beste ding wat verander het vanaf 1980, toe daai PC, DOS op gehad het en later Windows, is dat daar geen Microsoft/Windows op enig van my rekenaars is nie en dat alles wettig is en my nie ‘n sent gekos het nie.  Ja ek gebruik net Linux (Ubuntu), by die huis en by die werk.

Laat hoor van julle wat julle eerste rekenaar was en wat julle vandag gebruik.

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How cute — love to have one.

One of these was parked in front of my neighbours house this morning.  Do’nt you think it is cute. Do not know if the yellow is my colour though .. something in red I think.

It is called a Diahatsu Copen.  Just the ideal thing for city driving and then on warm summer days, the roof down and enjoying the open air with somebody special — hmmm now where is that somebody special again 🙂

This is what it looks like with its roof down

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