About Marius

Owner of Henriska Technology and Project Manager by profession.

#8/365 – Majestic in flight

Yesterday I asked whether anybody knew the red and white aeroplane.  Thanks to Harry, I now know it is Air Mauritius and I should have known that since I flew in one a couple of years ago.

Today was one of those days where the aeroplanes was behind the clouds even before it got to my house so I had to depend on a photo I took yesterday.

Now that is what I call majestic.  Just something about an aeroplane in full flight with its wheels nicely tugged away.

The full set of these photos can be seen in my Picasa Album.

Sunrise and play with settings on camera

This morning we had one of those sunrises which one only gets when there is some clouds around and the rising sun make the clouds look like they on fire.

I have a Canon PowerShot SX20 IS camera and this morning I played around with its sunrise settings.  This first photo was taken with the AUTO setting on the dial.

I then change the dial to SCN and the Sunset setting under that.  This is the result taking the same photo as above.

As you can see from the second photo, it is much redder.  To be honest, the first photo is much more natural and I like that one more.  What do you think?

You can see more of this in my Picasa Sunset and Sunrise Album.

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#1/365 – Soccer ball on nose

I have been blogging for a while now and lately have noticed that I am starting to blog less and less.  I have also noticed that a few people have this daily theme going that I think is a good idea to ensure one is blogging daily. 

I stay right under the flight path of airplanes that come in to land at Cape Town International or take off from Cape Town International.  I have started to take photos of planes as they go by overhead.  What better theme to use as my inspiration of my daily meme. 

Couple of days ago I had to drop off people at Cape Town International and while there took some pictures of airplanes.  What beter way to start this theme with a 1Time plane with a Soccer Ball on its nose ..

The full set of these photos can be seen in my Picasa Album.