What have I been up to …

I have not blogged for a while .. have just been tied up with other things.  So what were that other things:

  • Work wise –  have completed all projects I was working on.  Was a time to reflect on what I want to do next.  Is IBM the correct company for me to work at?  Have not got that answer yet.  In the mean time I am looking at other IBM projects around the world like Singapore, Malaysia and even London … so I might pack my bags early in the new year. 
  • Daughter is almost done with Matric exams — Friday she writes her last exam.  Currently battling to find accommodation for her in Stellenbosch next year.  She will be studying Human Science and Biology (definitely not fathers daughter 🙂 ).  Think we have find something but it is costly … at least it is safe, close and in a varsity community and that is what is important.
  • Son has completed 2nd year Chemical Engineering.  It was a tough year and he had to write a couple of subs.  Have to wait and see how he does on it.  At least he can carry on with his 3rd year next year.  Lets hope it is a better year for him next year.  Second year is always the toughest and that is now behind him.

For now that is it … as can be seen .. nothing about myself since there is really nothing to say.  I am really struggling at the moment to keep things together.