My son and I spend the day at Pearl Valley yesterday watching the pro golfers at their game. Congratulations to Richard Sterne who won the South African Open. He definitely did not have a bad 2 pay weeks by also winning the previous week. Just under R5 million rand in 2 weeks .. not bad going.
Unfortunately I did not get a photo of Richard but got one of Retief, who we followed most of the day.

I played at Pearl Valley about a month ago and must say that I think it is one of the best Golf Estates out there. Now I only need a couple of millions to buy a house there and become a member :).
Ernie had one of his typical tournaments, 3 good rounds and one crap one. Ernie, what is going on … ?
This is probably my last blog entry for 2009. It was really a shitty year which I do not want to have over again. 2009 can only be better and I am looking forward to it. To all of you that has bothered to read, thanks and have a great Christmas period, if you celebrate it, and may 2009 be a great year.
Till next time when we meet in the cyber world or face to face.