First, the Amatomu flash ribbon display the wrong ranking on my site (This has now been fixed). Here is what is displayed at the moment and this is the actual ranking
. Anybody else has the same problem?
On to today’s tidbits:
- Cape Town, the best city in the world —
My Perfect City Challenge — what do you want Cape Town to be like and win big!! I will make sure I get my piece in. - Free/Open Source software I use or recommend —
DivX for Windows 2000/XP 6.6 (
Power replacements for built-in Windows utilities - IBM —
Integrating IBM Rational RequisitePro with IBM Rational Portfolio Manager: Importing Requirements - Linux History —
The 0.10 Release - SCO vs the world —
Novell owns the UNIX and UnixWare copyrights!
Huge ruling in SCO v. Novell!
And this says it all — SCO is toast!!!
To go with the Perfect City Challenge — Cape Town from Robben Island.
Technorati Tags: amatomu ranking, cape town, accelerate, divx, windows utilities, rational, portfolio manager, ibm, requisitepro, developerworks, linux 0.10, sco, linux, novell