RSS feed update – 30 July 2007

Yes I know I said that I will do this on a weekly basis but my list is getting long so here it is.  In future it will appear when I have a critical mass (whenever that may be).

First an update on the F1/McLaren story — see that Ferrari did not like what the FIA ruled —,,2-9-2183_2154714,00.html and,,2-9-2183_2154714,00.html

Now for the new stuff:

Until next time.

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    Pothole saga continues

    Follow-up on my previous pothole post. Here is the dreaded pothole … almost the size of the Kimberley Groot Gat. (Groot Gat is big hole for my overseas visitors)

    Why, oh why has my car got 17 inch low profile tires that no other car uses.  R1300.00 for one tire. I am embarking on claiming all the costs back from the City of Cape Town who is responsible for keeping our roads in a decent condition.  Any advice how to go about this and who to send the bill to will be much  appreciated.

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