I read 2 blog entries today that basically covered the same thing and started me thinking what I am doing here and why I have a blog. The first was from Max on Kathy Sierra and treads around what one say. I think the important thing to recognise is that there will always be people that will not like what one says. Just like in normal life, there is the weirdos and things is no different in the blogging world.
The other one is from Tania and her so called identity crisis. I purposly did not call my domain my name but something totally arbitory. Where the name “henriska” comes from is a story I will tell at another time or if we ever meet face to face then ask me.
What has this all got to do with me. I blog because I have an opinion about certain things and like to share it. But with this comes some responsibility. Do not share information that is privilege to you. People tell one things in confidence and the biggest no-no is to break that confidence. I try to be honest and if I make a opinion about somebody or something I try to back it up with facts. And oh I do not blog anything about my family .. it is just a big no-no in my book. And if I do not have anything good to say about my friends then I rather not say it.
How does the saying goes – criticise in private and praise in public.
Lastly, I believe we all want to belong and find ways to build a commuinity around us. The blogging, twittering and facebook world we live in is a way for us to built that commuinity and feel accepted.
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