I just returned from a week in Belgium on business. What a great trip, the weather was probably the best that Belgium has seen in who knows how many years. Daily temperature around 25 degrees.
I drank a lot of great beer, Leffe Blond, Duvel and who knows what else and all of it was great. Nothing in South Africa can compare with it. And then in the mornings to have great strong coffee to be able to get on with the day after all the beers of the previous evening.
And then the people is so friendly and looks like they have no worries in the world.
On my way back I flew on SAA and what a disaster. The entertainment center did not work and they could not fix it and I sat the whole way next to the English old bag that could not stop chatting and kept on telling me how great England is and how crap the Irish is.
Oh and can somebody answer me why Belgium woman is not fat. I did not see any real fat and big Belgium woman. All of them is good looking and have great bodies. Must be all the cycling they do. There must be more bicycles on the roads than cars.
Cannot wait for my next visit.
Technorati Tags: Belgium, Travel, Europe, Beer, Coffee, Chocolates