I have this old laptop without a hard disk and its battery is not working but it is working great with Ubuntu 4.10 LiveCD — have a look here.
Now with the release of Ubuntu 5.04 I decided it was time to download the LiveCD for it but wow what an nightmare here in South Africa or for anyone that has dialup. I have an ISDN connection with InfinityCall (that means that there is a max call charge of about R9 over off-peak) so I try to download big things over weekends and I try to use and torrent.
So I tried over this weekend and it is a slow and tedious process and while it is downloading my Internet connection is useless.
So if anybody from Cape Town has Ubuntu 5.04 LiveCD on a CD available then give me a shout and I would like to get a copy from you. Yes I did order my bunch of CD’s from shipit but that will take a while to arrive.